Rivets 2011 collector card by Brian Beardsley & Todd Downing Carl “Rivets” Holloway is the brash Bronx mechanic aboard the Daedalus. Conceptually he is like Scotty from Star Trek with the churlish edge of Danny DeVito. He’s physically modeled on Bob Hoskins, and carries the pulp heritage of technician sidekicks like Hans Zarkov and “Long Tom” Roberts. A Mr. Fix-it type from a young age, Rivets began his military career in the motor pool, working on trucks and motorcycles before shipping out to maintain aircraft at the Western Front. Initially part of the American Expeditionary Force under British command, Rivets was assigned to a squadron of Yanks that included “Captain Stratosphere” Jack McGraw. The two became fast friends and comrades, and Rivets became McGraw’s most trusted kite mechanic. After the war, Rivets returned to New York to work as an airplane mechanic before being recruited by Doc to serve as the chief engineer on the Daedalus in 1925. He’s a wise-cracking grease monkey with a big wrench and plenty of attitude.